(02) 831.4884  |  0917.801.2677  |  0998.962.2372  |  info@lancris.com

Events & Invitations

Explore one hundred and one reasons to live the life you've always wanted in the suburbs. Attend our events and have a first-hand experience of the lifestyle we offer at Lancris Residences.

First Look: Lancris Residences Lifestyle Amenities

Get a first look of the Clubhouse and other amenities of Lancris Residences. Connect with us for a complete list of outdoor and indoor amenities.

Interview: What's Behind the Wine Tasting Experience

Land Cris Somerset Dev't Corp. Vice President Mr. Dennis Lim,  explains the essence of the Wine Tasting Experience on September 25, 2015.

Unforgettable: Wine Tasting And Project Scale Model Unveiling

More than a hundred guests swirl, smell, and taste a wide range of European wine brands at the Wine Tasting Experience.